The only thing that matters is our identity with Christ

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The only thing that matters is our identity with Christ

The only thing that matters is our identity with Christ

It is hard being a true true person in this crazy sin filled world that you live in today. Maybe we can help you out. Finding our identity in Christ ahs been one of our biggest struggles hopefully what we have to say will you wake up to our true identity. Definitely there is an identity crisis that is going on in the world today. And everybody seems to be pretending to be something we were not, following the trends instead of following the Lord. Not just just in the world. Master Prophet E Bernard Jordan believes that by waking up to our identity in Christ was not only the best decision we have ever made, but the most fulfilling decision we have ever made. Through Him we have discovered our purpose dealt with our insecurities, overcome our fears of failure, learn to manage our anger and become comfortable in our own skin That is because there is not one. Christ is the only one that can complete us from inside and out and nothing the world has to offer is even close to the gift of eternal life that Christ gives. He is life. Embrace our identity in Christ because only Him, we will find our peace. That fitting the world may be cool for now but nothing beats spending eternal life with HIM. “Jesus answered, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father  except through me.” (John 14:6)

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