The Struggle is over

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The Struggle is over

The Struggle is over

What The Enemy Meant For Evil, God Is Turning For Your Good… The Struggle Is Over!

“After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram, I am your Shield, your abundant compensation, and your reward shall be exceedingly great.” (Genesis 15:1)

I hear chains falling to the ground. The enemy is very upset because his plans are being defeated. Your tenacity to keep fighting when everything around you says to lay down and give up has caught God’s attention and has been a valuable key to defeating the enemy in the midst of the struggle. How you respond to the enemy’s attacks plays a major role in how fast you are able to recover. Declare with me, “THE STRUGGLE IS OVER!”

Start to Understand the Season You are in your life with Your Personal Prophecy

As a personal prophet, I pray that when I said I hear the chains falling, you quickly agreed with me so that the chains in your life can be loosed. Your divine destiny is waiting for you to conquer your fears. The prophetic word in this season of your life has become a springboard that will launch you into your greatest life. There is nothing holding you back right now, get your personal prophecy today.

Your Personal Prophecy will tell you how the struggle is over

Your wealth may be found in the struggle that you have endured. When you face your struggles head-on and refuse to turn the lights off and hide, you are letting the enemy know that you have the power of the Holy Spirit reigning and ruling in your life.  The enemy will use such a negative ways that you have grown up and your past to keep you away from your destiny.

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” (Ephesians 3:19)

I have been authorized by the Holy Spirit, as the Prophet of God to remind you that your best life is on display. Do not let the process rob you of the joy that you are about to experience. It is important that you start using your imagination to visualize what you want your future to look like. The principalities that were sent to derail your happiness and prosperity have been defeated by the Power of Prophecy. Your prayers are being answered. A great turnaround is happening within your household. Declare with me, “THE STRUGGLE IS OVER!”

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