Truth About Eternal Life

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Truth About Eternal Life

Truth About Eternal Life

Do you believe in eternal life? Yes, you do. But do you know how eternal life was made possible? The thing is, do you even know that no one is actually worthy to gain access to eternity? That is the bitter truth about eternal life. You do not deserve it. You cannot have it just because you want it.

Everyone was born into sin. You have this sinful nature that disqualified you from getting access to the life eternal that God had originally designed for mankind. Because of sin, the eternity that was supposedly meant to be life for everyone was replaced by death that was the eternal separation of man from God. And because the entire mankind was captured by sin, no one can escape the eternal death.

The penalty for sin was death. A sacrifice was needed so that the penalty for sin can be paid. Unfortunately, everyone was disqualified to be the sacrifice. But God was so loving and merciful. He made a way so that what He really desired for man to have might be fulfilled.

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