Understanding Yourself & God
If God was before all things, then out of what did He create all things? God always creates out of Himself, and God creates everything for Himself. God is all in all. Thus His omnipotence does not violate His own creative principle. God is being. Everything begins in God. Likewise, everything begins in your God-self, whether good, bad or indifferent. Believe it or not, all things have their beginning in you. Isaiah 45:7 says, “I formed the light and created darkness. I make peace and create evil. I, the Lord, do all these things.” Your outward experiences are only a manifestation of what is taking place on the inside of you. As you begin to understand your being, you will move forward in His likeness. Receiving your personal prophecy allows you to understand yourself. There is only ONE power. There is no power outside of God. God forms the light, yet He creates darkness. Light is really a form. Darkness is created, but light is formed. Light allows you to see on this realm, but darkness represents the unseen realm, the place where creation happens. Again, the scripture says, “I make peace and create evil. (Notice, God created evil.) I, the Lord, do all these things.” What are you waiting for? Let the power of prophecy work in you! Receive your free written prophecy today and start understanding not only yourself but how God works as well. Click here to speak to a prophet and to get your prophetic reading.
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