Unlimited And Unrestricted

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Unlimited And Unrestricted

Unlimited And Unrestricted

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper.”
(3 John 1:2)

 Asking God for something is never the problem. Believing in what you are asking is pivotal for your breakthrough.

Your destiny is never a matter of chance. You can access your bright future by believing and trusting the prophetic word of the Lord. Ask yourself the question, is your life worth it?

Your passion and love for God is transforming your life right before your eyes. Your mind is being filled with healthy thoughts that bring to pass the desires of your heart. What you thought would take months or even years to manifest, the Holy Spirit is redeeming your time and breakthrough is just around the corner. Full restoration is coming to your household! Your language is changing from, “I think I can,” to “I know I can.”

When a farmer plants seeds, he knows that the harvest does not show up that night. Your faith is producing the harvest that you have sown into the ground. Your Prophetic Money Angel is showing up because you have demonstrated that you can handle the overflow. The Power of Prophecy has opened the door for you to gain full access to the Kingdom of God.


  • Unlimited and Unrestricted Money
  • Unlimited and Unrestricted Prosperity
  • Unlimited and Unrestricted Joy
  • Unlimited and Unrestricted Wisdom
  • Unlimited and Unrestricted Health

The Holy Spirit is pulling you off the bench and placing you into the game. Your steps are ordered by the Lord and your path has been cleared for victory. There is no stopping you. There is no holding you back. You are entering into a new phase of your life called, “Unlimited and Unrestricted.”

 “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.  One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.  They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—and I will meditate on your wonderful works.” (Psalm 145:3-5)

The glass ceiling above you is being shattered. There are no limits to your greatness. You are a walking testimony of one who has defied the odds every single time. The strength of your faith has proven that you can handle whatever the enemy throws your way.

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