What is Life Teaching You?

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What is Life Teaching You?

What is Life Teaching You?

Living here on earth can be tough. Before we join God in His kingdom, we need to go through a lot of trials and struggles to fully understand how God works in our lives. Through your personal prophecy, you will learn how God truly controls and operates everything that’s going on in your life. You have to get to a place where you take responsibility for your actions. You have to ask yourself, “What is the life lesson I need to learn in this situation?” You may feel as if the situation or circumstance or person robbed you of something, but you have to come to the understanding that it is teaching you a life lesson. You created it. You create every situation in your experience. Every person in your life represents some form of consciousness that exists within you. The moment you become conscious of who and what is in your life, you will be able to understand what God is doing in your life and realize that everything is working together for your good. Start fulfilling God’s prophetic destiny for your life today. Speak to a prophet and get your free written prophecy by clicking here.

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