Why do we need the Gift of Wisdom

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Why do we need the Gift of Wisdom

Why do we need the Gift of Wisdom

Wisdom is the first and greatest gift of God in confirmation it is because it perfects of faith by bringing in concrete acts of love. Wisdom is highly valued throughout the Old Testament. There is a entire genre of literature in the Old Testament known as Wisdom literature that includes such books as Proverbs, the Songs, Ecclesiastes and Wisdom. Isaiah says of the Anointed One, “ The Spirit of the the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of Wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge ans the fear of the Lord, And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.” (Isaiah 11:2-3) In the great Old Testament the model of Wisdom was Solomon who was offered his choice of anything in the world by God and chose Wisdom. God’s reply is as true for us as it was for him. Bishop Jordan believes that seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness and everything else will be added as well that is because exactly the same principle lies at the heart of both. The Wisdom values properly those thing that we believe through faith. It puts first thing first the love of God and the second things the love of neighbor and the goods of this world. That’s why we do need Wisdom it is because we are sacramental beings who are called to turn our faith into concrete work of love the way that the Holy Spirit of Wisdom fashioned the world in love and Jesus, the Wisdom of God was made in flesh.

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