Winning the War over Our Own Will

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Winning the War over Our Own Will

Winning the War over Our Own Will

The goal of god for every believers is oneness with Him, to teach it and we must take on the character of Christ. Dealing Him has with the soul of the believers are going to bring in into oneness with Him, and that the final prayer Jesus prayed before Christ died may be fulfilled. And this divine union in the glorious purpose in the heart of Him for God people before the foundation of the world. It is accomplished in the death of Christ; it has been made known by the Scriptures. It’s realized as an actual experience by many of God’s children. “That they may be one, as You, Father, are in me, and I in You; that they also may be one in us. I in them and you in me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that you have sent me, and have loved them as you have loved me.” (John 17:21-23) Bishop Bernard Jordan that God has not hidden this union or made it hard but in the eyes of many are too dim and hearts too unbelieving for them to grasp it. And it is for the purpose of bringing God’s people into the personal and actual realization of this that the Lord calls upon them earnestly and so repeatedly to abandon our self to God. That God may work in us all the good pleasure of His will. It’s equally true the believer has to know it and live in the power of it. And it is like treasures under a man’s field which existed there before we were known or used by Him. The life of Christ must dwell in each believers before He knows it and live in it. The power is not manifested until voluntary and intelligently and the believer ceases from His own life and accepts in its place.

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